What they don’t know really can hurt you! The majority of your peers now offer cybersecurity training, but a staggering 6 in 10 folks can’t pass a basic quiz on the subject.
The folks at TalentLMS and Kenna Security recently put cybersecurity training to the test … with a test of their own. And the results may make you rethink your current approach.
Of the 69% of employees who say they’ve received cybersecurity training at work, 61% failed a basic quiz.
You know that when it comes to cybersecurity threats lurk everywhere. And the buck often stops with employees. A staffer clicks a link he shouldn’t and you’re hit!
Take a look at the quiz and the results to help ensure your own company’s efforts keep your sensitive info safe.
Cybersecurity training put to the test
The test covered seven cybersecurity questions — nothing super complicated. They were:
- Which of the following passwords would outsmart a hacking attack?
- Which of the following file types have the potential to be harmful?
- How does ransomware work?
- True or False: USB drives are harmless if you insert them to see the content but don’t run anything.
- True or False: If your laptop is password-protected, then its files are safe, even if the device is stolen.
- Which of the following actions should you take to keep an important document safe?
- You receive a suspicious looking email from your CEO that contains a link. What would you do?
Based on what TalentLMS found, you may want to take a second look at what you’re testing employees on.
The test uncovered some specific knowledge gaps. For example, most folks were able to correctly answer questions about things like passwords and USB usage.
The question 93% of folks missed: “Which of the following actions should you take to keep an important document safe?”
Seeing how important that answer is, you can’t afford any confusion.