You hear them all the time – maybe you even use them now and then. But should these 10 words receive a time-out? (more…)

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Learn MoreYou hear them all the time – maybe you even use them now and then. But should these 10 words receive a time-out? (more…)
You’ll feel the impact of the Supreme Court’s historic rulings on gay marriage fast, no matter what state you’re located in. (more…)
Negotiating with vendors can be tricky — especially if you aren't counting your revenue by the billions. But believe it or not, it can be done. (more…)
You’d think the $3,200 employees of the GSA spent on a mind reader could have told them this business trip wasn’t a good idea! (more…)
Spring is just a few weeks away, but there’s an even more encouraging thaw looming: on your salary. (more…)
While many companies have employed a variety of survival strategies, British Airways took cost control to an entirely new level with its latest move -- asking employees to work for nothing. (more…)
It seems like a goal any red-blooded CFO would find tough to argue with: reduce the company's costs. Unless people are going about it the wrong way. (more…)
OK, finance execs, say you had a magic wand. What's the one thing you would change in your company? It might get some chuckles, but there's one answer that comes up over and over. (more…)
Resourceful Finance Pro, part of the SuccessFuel Network, provides the latest Finance and employment law news for Finance professionals in the trenches of small-to-medium-sized businesses. Rather than simply regurgitating the day's headlines, Resourceful Finance Pro delivers actionable insights, helping Finance execs understand what Finance trends mean to their business.