Happy National Payroll Week! What are you doing to celebrate your Payroll talent?
Think about what life would be like if you and your employees didn’t get paid correctly and on time each payday. National Payroll Week 2022 is Sept. 5-9, and it’s the ideal time to show appreciation for the people that take care of one of the most critical areas of your business – payroll.
Ceridian offered a few simple ideas for making your Payroll pros feel seen and acknowledged:
- Decorate the office for National Payroll Week with posters and balloons
- Send out personalized thank-you notes to your Payroll team from the leadership team that mention how each person enhances your Payroll department, and
- Give National Payroll Week gifts that take into consideration what individual Payroll team members would appreciate as recognition (A study by Coresight Research found that over 80% of companies that give gifts said the gifts improved employee-management relationships, made the recipient feel valued [45% reported substantial benefits] and improved employee retention [41%]).
Another way to celebrate is taking a look at technology that can help Payroll do their jobs more efficiently and with less stress at the end of the pay period.
Leveraging National Payroll Week for engagement
Because employee satisfaction is linked to smooth and efficient Payroll operations that happen behind the scenes, National Payroll Week is also an opportunity to build greater awareness among your employees about what Payroll does – including the hard work that goes into calculating their take-home pay and staying on top of changes to local, state and federal tax regulations.
Also, how many of your employees are aware that Payroll is helping Americans contribute to 70% of the U.S. Treasury’s annual revenue (about $2.4 trillion per year)? This revenue is vital to the funding of government programs such as Medicare and Social Security, the building of federal highways and more.
Some ways to get the rest of your workforce involved in National Payroll Week, and boost employee engagement at the same time:
- Hold an in-office recognition get-together with food or organize a virtual breakfast or lunch.
- Share interesting facts about your Payroll department members or fun photos of them, so people can get to know the faces behind their paychecks. This can be done via email, your company intranet or your employee newsletter.
- Encourage employees to get more involved with their pay. Consider sharing tools with employees that help them maximize their paychecks (e.g, self-service tools so they can review their paystubs online). Remind your people that a simple step like re-evaluating their Form W-4 can keep them from owing tax to IRS. This can be the catalyst that starts conversations between employees and Payroll about concerns they may have been hesitant to address. These conversations can happen through a team collaboration tool or a virtual information session.
Make your voice heard
As part of this week’s celebration, the American Payroll Association is asking for feedback from you and your employees with its annual Getting Paid in America survey to gain insight into the latest payroll and wage payment trends.
Some key findings from last year’s survey:
- 91% of employees are certain their paychecks are accurate
- Nearly 25% of workers want access to their wages on-demand, and
- 68% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and this was before inflation reached a 40-year high.
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