When it’s time to sign more people up for your healthcare plan, a little prep can go a long way. Here’s a great battle plan.
Whether your company offers self-service or it’s all on your finance folks’ shoulders (even if you outsource), you want your enrollment process to be as efficient as possible.
The Payroll pros at Ceridian outlined five must-complete steps before your enrollment process begins. Do you have these bases covered?
- ID your enrollment period dates.
- List the tasks that need to be done for enrollment and how long each should take.
- Determine who’s responsible for each task and look at their availability. (Note: This should include employees, too, if necessary.)
- Factor in some extra lead time for major changes: new populations, changing health insurance providers, etc.
- Creating a training schedule for benefits, HR and anyone else charged with assisting in the enrollment process. Even if this is old hat, it’s worth touching base with everyone to update them on changes and share what worked (and what didn’t) the last go-around.